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Diet and Lifestyle

The information below does not replace in depth discussion and individualized planning with your healthcare provider

Healthy Salad

What type of diet should I follow?

When attempting a diet, balance is key.  Most fad diets produce short lived, inconsistent, and unsustainable results.  We recommended a balanced, mediterranean style diet which mainly consists of lean meats (chicken, fish), whole grains, and vegetables.  The mediterranean diet is more lifestyle and guide than strict rules which promotes long term compliance.

Below are resources to help with a mediterranean style diet.

What are easy ways to decrease calories?

Losing weight is primarily about spending more calories than you intake.  Evidence suggests the most effect method to achieve this is through dietary intervention.  Some high yield calorie reductions are listed below:

  • Eliminate liquid calories: soft drinks, fruit juices, sweet tea, and alcohols are high in calories and provide little to no nutritional benefit

  • Eliminate fast food: many fast food options are high in calories and simple sugars leading to high calorie meals with little sustainable nutrition

  • Count calories: available evidence suggest patients who count calories lose more weight than those who don't.  Patients often realize how harmful calorically dense foods can be to a diet leading to improved diet.

Organic Vegetables

What about exercise?

  • Exercise is certainly an important part of living a completely healthy lifestyle.  But when exercise is performed without dietary changes, patients often have very limited results.  We recommend dietary changes and exercise to help patient achieve weight loss goals.


  • Exercise is obviously an essential part of a healthy lifestyle.  We recommend at least 150 minutes per week of dedicated physical activity or exercise.  This could include walking, running, strength training, or yoga.  We encourage non impact exercise as able, to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injury.

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